With content in Portuguese and Spanish, it aims to guarantee the training of after-sales and service centers in Brazil and throughout Latin America.

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Panasonic do Brasil, responsible for the brand's operations throughout Latin America, continues to make steady progress with the progress and consolidation of Panasonic University.

It is an after-sales platform that aims to guarantee the training of service centers, with the standardization of knowledge and continuous updating; flexible access by technicians and improvement of services throughout Latin America.

Currently, the platform has 10 training courses available; 138 videos with tips and recommendations. In addition, it has a section aimed at service centers where 14 training courses and 55 videos of tips and recommendations are included.

The platform proposal includes performance monitoring and evaluation. And to access the services part, it requires a Panasonic-accredited center that meets the requirements of the sector.

"Today, at UP we have 10 courses available that total around 100 videos. These trainings are focused on the operational part of our equipment, whether cameras, controllers or software. We are always creating new content and we have a roadmap to the constant inclusion of new training offers", expressed Rodrigo Costa, Sales Manager of Panasonic do Brasil.

User registration is very simple and accessible, interested parties only need to provide basic information such as: full name, email, company, city and country.